Highest LSAT score or average?
The hot topic among law school applicants has been the policy change by the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) to recommend considering an applicant's highest LSAT score rather than averaging multiple test scores. Additionally, beginning with the fall 2007, the ABA will require law schools to only report a student's highest LSAT score rather than the average previously required. Law schools, however, may continue to consider average LSAT scores in the admissions process.
So, where does UHLC stand on the issue of highest score vs. average?
Effective fall 2007, the UHLC admissions committee will consider the highest LSAT score listed on the applicant's law school report.
So, where does UHLC stand on the issue of highest score vs. average?
Effective fall 2007, the UHLC admissions committee will consider the highest LSAT score listed on the applicant's law school report.